تنبيه! هذا الاعلان منتهى الصلاحية.

home maintenance services in dubai

Well come to RISE UP Home Maintenance. We offer Homeowners, tenants and Property managers a reliable & prompt service.

Our aim is to provide our clients with a reliable and professional service. We provide a full range of maintenance services ranging from annual maintenance contracts to bathroom renovations.

We are not bound by time. Call us anytime and we will do our very best to reach you within the minimum possible time. You will find our workmen, reliable and courteous. We hold your comfort high and ensure that our employees are trained well to adhere to the etiquettes that are desired in a home or office environment. You can even rely on them for maintenance tips and expert advice

نوع الخدمة: معروض
مدة الاعلان: شهرين
الدولة: الإمارات
المدينة: دبي
عفوا! هذا الاعلان منتهى الصلاحية.
نشر منذ 1882 يوم 16 ساعة 21 دقيقة 201 مشاهدة
تنبيه هام: نرجو التحقق من البيانات المنشورة قبل اجراء اى اتفاقيات والموقع غير مسؤول عن ذلك.

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